The Strucket Guide to Washing Your Bathers!

The Strucket Guide to Washing Your Bathers!

Icy poles, sunscreen, the beach, the list of summer essentials can go on and on and on......
Refreshing Summer Drinks Courtesy of the Teenie!

Refreshing Summer Drinks Courtesy of the Teenie!

If one of your resolutions is to drink more water, or simply to be healthier, believe it or not, Strucket can help! With the Strucket Teenie you can make yourself and the family, a variety of fun, ...
Top tips to reduce “parenting stress” and keep yourself sane

Top tips to reduce “parenting stress” and keep yourself sane

October is Mental Health Awareness month and we are here to share some of our top tips to help our customers and friends keep a little of their sanity because the reality is…. Family life is hard…...
Our growing family

Our growing family

The Strucket family is growing! The team here at Strucket has been working tirelessly over the past 18 months to create a new addition to the Strucket family.
Your new favourite multipurpose tool

Your new favourite multipurpose tool

Read on to find out some ways that the Strucket can help you out with your daily chores!
Why new mums are flocking to buy a Strucket

Why new mums are flocking to buy a Strucket

Being a new mum is not easy. There’s always a spill or mess to clean up, nappies to change and a little baby to tend to. On top of it all, it seems there’s barely any time to get things done.
What's the fuss about soaking?

What's the fuss about soaking?

The Strucket is the lovechild of a strainer and a bucket. This strainer-bucket mash up is the perfect answer for those with sensitive skin, or simply those who don’t want to get their hands dirty.
Strike luck with the Strucket

Strike luck with the Strucket

Strucket started when Queensland mum Kelly Lavery found herself dreading the chore of soaking things like nappies, bibs or clothes in a bucket, the usual method for most people.
Top 7 Cleaning Hacks for Sensitive Skin

Top 7 Cleaning Hacks for Sensitive Skin

In a bid to keep your house, clothes, and life generally fresh without the itch, here are our top tips for those of us with sensitive skin.